Florence S. Cromwell, MA, OTR, FAOTA (1922–2016), is a respected educator, clinician, administrator, political mover, and leader in the occupational therapy profession. She was AOTA President from 1967 to 1973, when the AOTA National Office moved from New York City to Rockville, MD, to be closer to Washington, DC, to establish greater political clout for the profession. She was involved in professional activities at the state and national levels for 30 years, including working to bring occupational therapy under the umbrella of health care by joining the Coalition of Independent Health Care Professions. She authored Basic Skills Assessment on job assessments for people with disabilities, and was a prolific researcher and author. After teaching at the University of Southern California from 1970 to 1976, she returned to clinical practice as Associate Director of the Los Angeles Job Corps in charge of vocational education.