The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.

Where to Start: Browsing OT's Centennial

From photos to videos and quizzes to articles, there's a lot of see and do on Here's where you can start.

start here

As the occupational therapy profession celebrates its 100th birthday, is the place for you to browse, learn, and interact with the profession’s history.

Check out the sections of the website

Moments: Browse photos of moments in OT history like collaborating with NASA, and watch videos such as this one describing the OT exhibit at the 1933 World’s Fair.

Stories: Read inspirational stories about OT clients, check out photos of how OT has developed since 1917, and watch videos of interviews with early OT practitioners and current OT clients.

Interact: Engage with the history by taking quizzes, sharing ideas and photos, and getting ideas for how to celebrate the Centennial.

explore these

You can browse photos of occupational therapy from every decade since 1910.

Check out a gallery of Annual Conference guides and tell us about your first Annual Conference & Expo.

We want to hear about your ideas for celebrating the Centennial at your facility, on your campus, and in your community.

Need to find something specific? Go to our search page.

JUst getting started

By the way, we’re just getting started! We plan to continue to add to throughout 2017. 

50th anniversary conference brochure50th anniversary conference brochure
Scrubs? White coats? Starched uniforms? What do you wear to work.
50th anniversary conference brochure

keep exploring your history

celebrate the centenniaL